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Jon Hamm has embraced the world of audio drama (he proved his pod chops in American Hostage). Sketching out their lasting influence, he explores how the legacy of their “Speed City” track and field programme has influenced everyone from Colin Kaepernick to Usain Bolt. Malcolm Gladwell tells the story of the three Black US runners who raised their fists in protest during the 1968 Olympics. Widely available, episodes weekly from Tue 14 Jun Episode one sees Ted Lasso’s Hannah Waddingham talk about being starstruck by Hollywood A-listers (and Hartnett herself). Grimmy serves cocktails, Hartnett dishes up an elaborate meal, and the crew laugh wildly along. Nick Grimshaw and chef Angela Hartnett team up for this riotously fun chat with celebrity guests over food. In episode one, anonymous star Stoya (pictured above) sends them off to talk to the tech bros who revolutionised the industry by moving the action online for free – and put performers and producers in a vulnerable position.

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There is zero titillation as the FT’s Patricia Nilsson and Alex Barker investigate the finance and business of porn.

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